

Welcome to our latest devlog for "Goblins Slayer," a thrilling and challenging game where you embark on a relentless quest to defeat goblins and grow stronger with each kill. Today, we want to share some exciting updates and insights into our game's core mechanics and design philosophy.

Core Mechanics

1. Character Progression Through Combat: In "Goblins Slayer" your character's strength directly correlates with their ability to defeat goblins. Each goblin you kill enhances your character's power, making you more formidable in battle. This mechanic encourages continuous engagement and provides a satisfying sense of progression.

2. Increasing Challenge: As you slay more goblins, the game responds by spawning increasingly powerful goblins. This dynamic difficulty ensures that the game remains challenging and exciting, requiring players to continuously adapt and improve their strategies.

3. High Stakes Gameplay: The game concludes upon your character's death, making every encounter with a goblin a high-stakes battle. This permadeath mechanic adds an element of tension and encourages players to think carefully about their actions and approach to combat.

4. Scoring System: Every goblin you kill rewards you with 100 points. This scoring system not only tracks your progress but also adds a competitive edge, motivating players to achieve higher scores and outdo their previous performances.

Development Insights

During the development of "Goblins Slayer," we focused on creating a balance between challenge and reward. Designing the goblins to progressively become stronger required fine-tuning to ensure that the difficulty curve feels natural and engaging. We also implemented a scoring system to provide players with immediate feedback and a sense of accomplishment.


One of the key challenges we faced was ensuring that the game's difficulty escalated at a pace that felt fair but challenging. We experimented with various algorithms to determine the strength of spawned goblins and found a balance that keeps players on their toes without feeling overwhelmed too quickly.

What's Next?

Moving forward, we plan to introduce more variety in the types of goblins, each with unique abilities and weaknesses. Additionally, we are working on implementing more weapons so players can feel even more powerful.

Thank you for following the development of "Goblins Slayer."  We are excited about the progress we've made and can't wait to share more updates with you soon. Stay tuned, and happy goblin slaying!


Goblins Slayer.rar 50 MB
86 days ago
music.rar 13 MB
86 days ago

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